I will admit, on both the behalf of myself, Christie Johnson and Kaitlyn Bill, that coming up with the topic of the collaborative research project was not an easy task. We began the process with the intention on doing our project based on the false advertisement of McDonald's and how it relates to their menu layout, but after a week of second guessing, that idea changed. The change was overwhelming, but each of us agreed that our new topic may be more successful than the one that we previously picked. Below were our possible research questions, our final one is highlighted, and a few questions that we will use during our interview process.

Five possible Research Questions:
-How did corn become one the most used crops?
-How do you tell if food is really organic from the label?
-Where does Kevin's law stand today?
-How accurate is McDonald's advertising healthy foods compared to their menu?

-What are the main factors that make individuals decide to raise/slaughter their own livestock

Ten possible interview questions:
-What is your name and how would you describe your occupation?
-Why did you decide to start raising your own livestock?
-What are the benefits of raising you own meat?
-What parts of the animal meat to you eat?
-Do you use the bones and feet for healthy stock?
-Did your family inspire you to get into this field work? If not what made you get involved?
-Do you have any children? Do they plan on growing their own livestock?
-Do you think involving your kids will teach them new things? Responsibility?
-Why do you continue to slaughter your own livestock?
-When did you first begin raising your own livestock?
-What kind of livestock do you raise?
-How much livestock do you raise at a time?
-Do you eat your meat or is it strictly for sale. Why/why not?
-What do you see as the benefits to producing your own meat?
-Describe your geographic location. Acres?
-Do you ever buy meat from the grocery store?

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