After watching food ink, and reading over The Omnivore's Dilemma and The pleasures of eating, I have come to the conclusion that if we do not make the smart choices when it comes to the food that is placed into our body, our food has the ability to control us. I look at it as if no matter what we do, we are going to fill our bodies with harmful substances, half the time without meaning to. It's hard to keep our lives full of organic foods because of the economy, but after educating myself on this topic, I realized that that may be the only full proof way to keep myself healthy.

     For me, it has officially been one week since the last slice of meat was put into my body. It is not that I am making the decision to become a full fledged vegetarian, it is just that after watching Food Inc. I cannot put meat to my mouth without feeling the urge to gag. On campus, it is a tough task to accomplish because there are not  many non meat choices that are healthy, but so far I have succeeded.

     The only thing that I do dread is going home, where my parents are indeed infected by this idea of the Omnivore Dilemma. I do not believe that any of them could give up eating meat, well chicken that is. Who knows, I may get up the urge to indulge in chicken by then, but as of right now they can keep on clucking their way into someone else's stomach.

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