In all honesty, my life revolves around technology. Whether it be social networking, my iPod, or my cell phone, I am always connected to the technological world around me. As I jumped into this assignment I was not hesitant when it came to using my online resources, but I was however stumped on how to incorporate them into my theme. I did not want to overwhelm my Twitterive with just one form of technology, but at points I felt as if pictures and writing were the only things that would fit correctly.

     As I have mentioned in my previous blog posts, I am a terrible procrastinator. It took my two weeks into the class to start tweeting, but now that I have began I am constantly on that site, which also contributes to my terrible habit. I was not nervous about my choice to procrastinate until the day before my Twitterive was due. With my luck, the lovely Rowan Internet Connection was lagging, and it tended to kick me off often. It was if it was saying "HAHA! Serves you right! begin sooner next time." I needed to find a song on Youtube, and of course each time I tried to play it, it would freeze. Trying to post things to Weebly? Forget it: "This site is currently facing issues". AWESOME! My goal was to incorporate a video of myself into the program, well lets just say the fact that my camera died and You tube didn't seem to want to show my video to the world stopped that from happening.

     Finally, as the due date of my Twitterive came, my issues were pushed behind, and i was pleased with my finished product. Although the internet rebelled against me, the combination's of technology that are in my piece bring out my story, and I am satisfied with it. Yes, there is still more to add and fix up, but as a first draft it does justice. Let's just hope my procrastination comes to a stop, and the technology of the internet becomes my best friend before the end of this semester!

     Reading Prensky's "Digital Natives, digital Immigants", I have multiple pages running on my computer, my music soundtrack blaring in the background, and my phone buzzing at my side. If that doesn't answer this question, well then I do not know what will. Growing up, I had one computer at home, one computer that only I used regularly, and I mind you that I was only in first grade. At that time it may not have been Facebook or some chat site, just the innocent games that children play, but I knew how to work the "Brain sucking machine" as my mother called it. She hated that thing, it's only use was to check her email, and even that she had a problem with. "Why can i scroll with this thing? Why isn't the screen popping up?" Now, about thirteen years from then, I still hear the same complaints when I am home. Except now, she has a laptop that she received for Christmas, and right away she needed a wireless mouse because "The stupid touch pad will not let me click things".

     I realize that my parents, and everyone in their generation are not as high tech as my peers and myself. My dad can't even work his new smartphone, which I do not even have and can still make my way around it. I find myself always connected to some form of technology, the internet is my best friend. I admit that when homework time roles around, more time is spent on my Tumblr and Twitter, a trait that I wish I could end. It becomes hard to focus with all of this technology, and I get why my older professors frown upon electronics in class. Pen and paper is the way to go in their eyes, no need for distractions, but to me, typing on a computer is more efficient. I concentrate more on what I am reading, and typing increases my speed by a minute or so.

     I am always learning new things, for instance, this site is included. I am not native to Weebly, but there are sites that I have come across as similar. It was no surprise when I figured out how to work this sit on my own, no instructions needed. As a digital native, I can say that I am independent, that is when I don't need the internet to answer the questions that my professors cannot.